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It Takes Giving
... posted on Dec 28 2003, 1,404 reads


Taking Risks to Blossom
In 1992, there were three schools with courses on spirituality and health, one of them at the George Washington University School of Medicine. Now, well over 65 percent of the medical schools have courses or topics related to spirituality and health.... posted on Dec 27 2003, 1,087 reads


A Bird's Song
This Christmas, while most of us are fiddling with new toys and trying on new sweaters, over 50,000 people around the Western Hemisphere will be grabbing coats and binoculars and trudging out to look for birds. Migratory birds around the world are in deep trouble, with plummeting populations and, scientists say, insufficient existing research to know exactly how best to help them. The Christmas B... posted on Dec 26 2003, 1,029 reads


Simplified Shopping
More than half of all Americans feel that spending less money on gifts will actually allow them to focus more on the true meaning of the holidays, 77 percent want a more simplified holiday this year, and 62 percent think that there is too much emphasis on giving and receiving gifts.... posted on Dec 25 2003, 1,121 reads


Dog's Life Over Christmas
Josie was in bad shape by the time the veterinarians at the University of Minnesota saw her after her accident: broken back, dislocated hip, internal injuries. Surgery would be expensive, they told the dog's owner. Death would be much cheaper. But Stella Twedt borrowed $3000 from her Dad, explained to her 14 and 5 year olds that they won't get Christmas gifts this year, told her 15 year old that ... posted on Dec 24 2003, 985 reads


Top Notch Plumber in 535BC
Imagine 535BC, you're Eupalinus, a top notch plumber in Greece. A tyrant, Polycrates, commissions you to build a massive, 4500 foot water tunnel across a steep, rocky hill that'll bring fresh spring water to town. With nothing more than mathematics and geometry, your team starts about 1,350m apart, on two opposite sides of a hill, and meets - precisely - in the middle! Being just a metre or two o... posted on Dec 23 2003, 1,057 reads


Makes a Difference
... posted on Dec 22 2003, 735 reads


Understanding 'AND'
... posted on Dec 21 2003, 707 reads


Workplace Spirituality
Baby boomers who are reaching the apex of their careers, are asking, "Is this it?" They're searching for greater meaning in their lives, a big part of which is their life at work. A Gallup poll in 2002 reported that almost 70 percent of Americans yearn to experience spiritual growth, compared with 20 percent in 1994!... posted on Dec 20 2003, 673 reads


Note and a Duffel Bag
More than 28,000 foster children have received the note, a duffel bag and the cuddly friend. "I want you to always know that you are loved, especially by me," the letter says. "And always remember to be positive, polite and never give up. Love, Your Friend, Makenzie." Makenzie Snyder is 13 and it has been her mission since the age of 7 to comfort neglected children; she doesn't meet the children... posted on Dec 19 2003, 1,054 reads


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I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage.

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